Click thumbnail to enlargeWaukmill Bay is just two minutes drivefrom Summerdale and is one of themost beautiful beaches in Orkney.When the tide is out take a walk onthe clean sand or a paddle in thecrystal clear water.The remains of Orphir Round Kirk isScotland’s only surviving circularmedieval church. Thought to havebeen built by Earl Hakon in the late11th or early 12th century.Swanbister Bay is another tidal beachin Orphir. A bit more off the beatentrack than Waukmill Bay but definitelyworth the effort for the stunning viewsacross Scapa Flow and the peace andtranquillity.Kirkwall is the capital of Orkney andthere are many things for visitors tosee and do. Explore the local shopsalong the winding street or eat inone of the many local restaurantsand pubs.St. Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall wasfounded in 1137 by the Viking EarlRognvald in honour of his uncle. It isopen to the public daily and is anessential part of any visit to Orkney.Stromness, in the West Mainland, isthe first port of call for many visitorstravelling by ferry from the Scottishmainland. Take a walk through thelong single street and explore themany narrow lanes.Built by Italian prisoners of warduring the Second World War theItalian Chapel is open to the publicall year. This beautiful building, builtfrom two Nissen huts, is one of themost visited sites in Orkney.Orkney is famed for its longsummer days, when the sun barelysets, and for its spectacular sunsetsthroughout the year. The Brough ofBirsay is a tidal island and was theancient seat of power in Orkney.The Ring of Brodgar is one of manyprehistoric sites in Orkney and partof the World Heritage Site “Heart ofNeolithic Orkney”. It is situated inthe parish of Stenness, about 15minutes drive from Summerdale.